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Our Team is excited to announce the inaugural

Stacer Group P-TECH scholarship. 

To be eligible for the Stacer Group P-TECH scholarship a student must be a graduating high school senior enrolled in a State of Texas ISD, actively participating in a P-TECH program, have completed a minimum of 3 TEA (Texas Education Agency) approved CTE courses by July 1st, 2025 and have a GPA of 2.0 or higher. The Application will open March 24th, 2025.

August 1st, 2025


1st - $250.00 + Print
2nd - $100.00
3rd - $50.00
Teaser Image - 2025 - v2.png

Give me the Laws!

Our Team will  be announcing the 2025 competition on August 15th, 2025.

CTE Program of Study focus for 2025: Graphic Design & Electrical  

To be eligible to participate in a competition with Stacer Group you must be a student enrolled in a State of Texas ISD and have completed a minimum of one TEA (Texas Education Agency) approved CTE courses by July 1st, 2025. You do not have to be enrolled in a specific CTE Program of Study. Maximum two students per submission.

The Competition will open on August 15th, 2025 with additional information. The Registration deadline is October 15th, 2025. The Submission deadline is December 12th, 2025.

December 12th, 2025

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